Another sleepless night. This time, though, it's my foot hurting that kept me awake, plus my digestive system being a bitch. I broke and took a Tramadol for my foot. I had no idea how much pain was being blocked there until I stopped the Tramadol. Wow. In case I haven't said it before, I hurt my foot about 3 weeks ago, tripping over a litter box. In my defense, we don't normally have a litter box in the hallway, but the kittens were much smaller then. (And it's not in the hall any longer either, lol) Plus, I was still taking a pretty heavy dosage of Tramadol then too, and wasn't walking very well. I would call and make myself an appointment with my regular doctor today, but it's a holiday. As much as I genuinely want off the Tramadol, I'm not a masochist, so quitting it can wait a few more days.
I've had the same bathing suit for a couple years now... a black one piece. Growing up, I always preferred a bikini, mostly because a one piece crawled up my butt. At a certain point, though, I had to admit that even a tankini wasn't covering my old boobs, so I got the one piece. Now that I have smaller boobs again, I kinda want to get a bikini. Now, however, the fun part would be finding one to cover my butt. I fully admit that I am horribly overweight. I don't like it, I am not one of those "I'm not fat, I'm curvy" types, and I'm not the most confident person on my best days, but if I found a bikini I liked, that fit me, I would wear it in public and go swimming, opinions of others be damned. It's strange reaching that point in my thinking, because I used to care too much about what others thought of me, and I was much skinnier and friendlier then. Right now, my focuses are raising my kids, getting a handle on my health, and supporting my husband.
I know this is a lot of random. Can't get back to sleep right now. Brain won't shut up. I'd like a little input from readers for a future blog post, though. What are some things you dislike about your breasts? Is there anything specific you want to know about having very large ones? Other large chested women, what are a couple things you think others might be interested in knowing, good or bad? Guys, feel free to ask questions too! You can post them here, anonymously if you want, or on FB if you have me. I'm trying to do a post on what it's like to be very large breasted, but don't know where to start.