I think I've mentioned how tense my muscles have been since I had my surgery. In case I have not, it felt like someone replaced my back muscles with concrete. Well, today the muscle relaxers are finally kicking in, and I am super sore. I am also feeling a little stupid today. My mom is an RN, and I should have known better than to let myself go so long without a bowel movement. So I definitely put myself through more pain than I should have. In order to make up for that oversight, I will be taking an over the counter stool softener and stick to eating soft foods, like apples, bananas, yogurt and so forth. I'm also drinking a lot of water, but I have been doing that all along. I also should have been listening to my body better. I was not hungry, but was eating because I felt I should. Baby steps.
Reading over what I have already posted, I realize that I have not posted much on my actual surgery site. My plastic surgeon did a freaking fantastic job. Despite taking out 17 pounds total of breast tissue and excess skin, liposuctioning under my arms, and installing and removing the drains, I have had very little bruising. Yes I said 17 pounds. That's roughly 8.5 pounds from each breast. That's more than either of my kids weighed at birth. I think I mentioned that I had my drains removed at my appointment on Wednesday. That was an intense sensation. It was quick, painful, and then over faster than you read this sentence. That was one of the things that I was dreading the most, so I am glad it was over quickly.
My largest hurdle in recovery right now is getting enough sleep. I find myself nodding off and then jerking awake even if I have no need to be awake. And then, I completely pass out for several minutes at a time in places like the bathroom sitting on the toilet. Time is acting wonky as well. For instance, I will fall asleep and feel like I have gotten at least 3 hours of sleep, and it will have been maybe 10 minutes. Other times, I will sleep for an hour, and it will feel like 5 minutes asleep. So I need to work on getting more sleep as well. Sleep is definitely important for recovery. One thing I can say is definitely better today is that I am more clear headed than I have been for the last week.
If anyone has any questions for me in regards to my experiences, either as a large breasted woman or as someone who has had a reduction, please feel free to ask. My intent is to let other women (heck, men too) know what my experience was like, and remind myself as well. As for my current mindset, I am beyond thrilled with my new boobs. I can actually set my tablet on my stomach while laying down and see the whole screen instead of just the upper edge. That makes me much more comfortable while relaxing. I have a lot of swelling along my sides under my arms, and in the breasts, but not more than I would have expected.
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