Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Tomorrow is the big day for me. Tomorrow, I get to live out a dream of mine: to fall asleep and wake up with smaller boobs. I've wanted a reduction for over 10 years now. I will include before and after pics (at some point), but for now I wanted to get a few thoughts down "on paper". 

First: Getting the referral to see a plastic surgeon was SUPER easy. I told my ARN (I've never actually seen my doctor, just her) I wanted one. She looked at me, said "Ok. Do you want to go to Jonesboro or Little Rock?" That was how hard that part was lol. So, I made my choice, and a few days later the office called me with my appointment details. Once at the appointment, the doctor and his staff were WONDERFUL. They are very nice, warm, welcoming people, while still being very professional. They asked me some basic questions (why do I want a reduction, does this hurt, is that uncomfortable, do you get rashes, etc), had me get topless and took some measurements and photos (I will admit, I giggled through most of that part. I am SUCH a 13 year old boy at times...). Then, they said "Let's set a tentative surgery date for April 15th." So soon?? I was shocked. "Maybe they mean next year," I thought. "That quick?" is what I asked. Turns out, it took the insurance less than a week to approve, which was far less than the months and months I was expecting.

Oh, I suppose I should point out, I'm currently wearing a 42J bra... that is too small. I don't know what size would be the right one, to be perfectly honest. K? Maybe bigger? No idea.

So, anyway, once the approval was complete, we set the surgery date for April 17th, with a pre-op appt to get me cleared for anesthesia and talk me through my post-op care (Caring for the drains, mainly) as well as what to do/not to do pre-op. For instance, no medicines of certain types 2 weeks before or after surgery (anything that would have a blood thinning effect, for one), using a certain type of wash in the surgery area before showing up that morning, and so on. I also got the prescriptions I'd need so I could get them filled ahead of time. They are currently filled and in my nightstand. There's an anti-nausea, an antibiotic, and a pain medication in there. I got a whole packet of info. But... tomorrow is the big day, and I couldn't be more excited.

For anyone wondering, the purpose of this blog is to share my personal experience. I don't expect this to apply to anyone else, or for anyone else's situation to match it. Someday, I may wonder why I ever wanted a reduction in the first place, and I'd like to look back at this and go "That's why." I have difficulty breathing; my neck, back, and shoulders hurt all the time; I have a hard time getting comfortable to sleep at night; there's a rash/raw spot under my boobs pretty much all the time, no matter how carefully I clean, apply ointment, and so on.... And there's so much more. They get in the way, I feel like I'm reaching around them all the time, they DO get in the way (big time) at the optometrists office, clothes shopping is a nightmare.... you get the picture.

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