Sunday, May 25, 2014

Effing Tramadol

So, apparently sleeplessness is one of the withdrawal effects from Tramadol. I've been soooo close to asleep several times tonight,  and then a nerve would twitch, I'd have to pee, or I'd just snap awake. Even brought the dogs in tonight so the friendly neighborhood deer wouldn't have them barking. Killer headache isn't helping me out,  and Excedrin is barely taking the edge off of it tonight. Just took a melatonin,  so hopefully that will help. Every time I start feeling like I can't do this right now, I google "Tramadol withdrawal" and read other people's stories. Granted, most of them are detoxing after months or years of usage, but it helps me to know the mood swings, irritability,  restlessness,  sleeplessness, nausea and diarrhea are all a normal part of the process. I also tell myself I should be thankful that I haven't been on it longer than I have been.... but when I'm sitting here wide awake and crying for absolutely no reason,  well, it's frustrating.

In other news, the 2 dogs who sleep in my room are sprawled out on the floor sleeping so hard a parade of deer probably wouldn't wake them. They crash hard when they sleep inside. I'm more than a little jealous.

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention the chills and hot flashes. Those are tons of fun too. (Sarcasm)
