Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Got my staples all out today,  and stitches too. The PS also cut all the dead skin around my nipple,  and some dead tissue out that was under that.  I'd post a picture,  but to be perfectly honest,  I'm still a bit grossed out by it. Plus it's got a bandage on it right now, so there is that. I was watching most of it, and didn't feel a thing (no pain killers,  numbing stuff, etc.) because all the stuff was genuinely dead,  but had to look away when I realized he was cutting into a hole. Ew.

3 weeks until my next appt. In the mean time, I just need to keep that nipple taken care of.  My back is feeling much better today,  and I even walked into my appt mostly on my own. I had to hold Philip's hand for balance,  lol. I swear I am like a giant toddler right now. But things are improving,  and I'm needing to take pain killers far less, which is great. I'm very happy to have Philip home. Where I might decide making food is too much effort,  he takes care of me. Which is good, because my stomach is currently not being communicative. I have no idea when I'm hungry, full, or whatever,  so I'm just guessing. The act of eating is mostly unappealing, so I'm not eating much.

This is how far back my staples went on both sides. Yep, all the way around both sides,  only not on my back. The lower red spot is where my drain was. I don't know where the hole on my right side is, but on my left I have one just above the staples where he did lipo as well. It looks worse than it feels.

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