Thursday, May 15, 2014

Quick thoughts

I'm feeling a LOT better.  I've even gotten back into playing my video games,  so YAY for that! Yeah, I'm a huge nerd/geek, and I'm totally ok with it. Lol. Today,  I am finally going bra shopping.  I'm excited.  I'm moving around a lot easier,  although my balance is so horrible I feel like a drunk epileptic octopus missing a few legs. Gee, who'da thunk it? 17 pounds removed from your chest is pretty huge. That's like a big Thanksgiving turkey. Or a small toddler. 

Instead of stopping the Tramadol cold turkey,  like I sorta did by accident last week, I've been using it very sparingly, but taking at least 1 within 24 hours. I'm almost at 24 hours now,  and am going to see how the day goes, see how far I can push it.  I do still have some discomfort,  but not enough that I feel comfortable with being on a pain killer for it.

My back is still a problem.  My lower back feels tight, numb, and like I've got constant pressure on it. However,  when I touch it, like scratching it or whatever,  I can't feel anything through my back. It's so, so, so much better than it was, though. When I first woke up, it felt like someone replaced my back muscles with concrete,  and poured liquid fire down it. It was awful. I plan to see a chiropractor soon, and go from there. I don't really know what can be done for it, other than seeing a chiropractor,  and possibly a physical therapist. I'm not going to stress it right now,  though.  I still need to finish healing up before I get too crazy.

One day at a time.

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